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My Work

For nearly 30 years, I have met the most wonderful families that keep inspiring me. Watching my patients thrive and reach their fullest potential is the greatest reward.

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Patient Testimonials


Dr van Bosse gave us hope for our baby. She was 6 months old when we began traveling 600 miles to Philadelphia to see Dr van Bosse for treatment. Today she is a straight A student who runs around barefoot and strong. She loves cats and trains her 3 cats to follow her. She has friends constantly coming to visit. She teaches other kids and mentors them. She volunteers in the community.

Dr van Bosse is the most caring person I've ever met in my life. He didn't know this, but the day of our first appointment with him, I had cried so much in the waiting area that I threw up. We were terrified that our baby was not going to have a good life. He analyzed our daughter, came up with a game-plan for treatment. From the moment he presented his plan to us, we felt immensely better. It's really difficult to put into words how much he helped us. He helped our daughter and he made sure we felt ok about the plans. He was so kind to us. He treated our girl for over 8 years. 

When I sent him an email with questions or pictures he would often respond immediately even in his non working hours. Finding someone to treat my daughter who cared so much was instrumental to all the success she has today. We pray every night thanking the Lord for Dr van Bosse and praying for his family. He is a miracle worker and we're so thankful for him. 

Sadie, South Carolina

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We were told when he was born that he may never walk or stand. We saw a handful of doctors who tried some things but didn’t hold out much hope for the future. Until we found you. You breathed life into our dreams. You gave us hope, and more importantly you gave our son confidence. You AWAYS made him smile. You always encouraged us and believed in our son.
You helped make the impossible come true. You are a part of our lives and wherever you end up, we will go. Thank you for everything.



I was told my daughter would never walk, find a good chair for her to be comfortable living her life in. Enter Dr. vB. He didn't see it that way. He gave us hope, and gave Mira hips, legs, and feet so she could walk. He has been the example of what a doctor should be, and what I have measured all other doctors from. He takes his time with each patient, each parent. Makes sure all questions are answered, understood, and all parties feel as comfortable as possible.



We moved from Brazil with a lot of hope and trust, just to be close to him. He has been seen Lucca since 2014. Doesn’t matter where he will be. We will be there. See you soon Dr. vB



The Best Doctor in the World for my daughter Andrea. Everyday she is getting better!!! Im so happy...

Puerto Rico

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